Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daddy and Kyle are alike?.......

A couple weeks ago Kyle discovered his Cafe Au La spots on his tummy. He came to mommy and wanted me to kiss his owie better. What a wonderful teaching opportunity Bennett and I were presented with. We told Kyle that he didn't have an owie but that those were his Cafe Au Lait (cafe-o-lay) spots and that daddy had them to. So Bennett showed Kyle his. Kyle's eyes lit up and you could see the connection as he said "daddy spots?", he then turned to me and asked "Mommy spot?" No we told Kyle not mommy only Daddy and Kyle. Daddy and Kyle match, they are the same. Again Kyle's eyes lit up as he exclaimed "daddy and Kyle Match!" and gave daddy a hug. He spent the next few minutes checking out daddy's spots. Having Daddy raise his shirt so he could see them. Then he kept shaking his head like he was sad for me "mommy, no spots. Daddy & Kyle match!" I was so thankful for the wonderful opportunity Heavenly Father gave us to begin introducing NF to Kyle. That is was a beautiful thing and made one little 2 yr old happy to "match" his daddy. I pray for many more positive experiences to teach Kyle about NF.


  1. What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it. It shows me that I need to look at the positives more in the situation. After meeting and going to so many ologists I have been feeling down alot so much actually. I see that it will help me more to look at the postitives, the small little special moments.

    kirsty, Australia

  2. Kristy, Thank you so much for the comment. I am so glad that my blog has helped you. It is hard to always look at the positive but it does make getting through all the appointments a little easier. I would love to hear your story as well. We are off to chemo today. These days are bittersweet for me. I love spending the extra time with my son. But obviously not for the reason. I hope you are able to look at things more postively and that it does help you. Thank you again for the comment it made my day!
